one: hopefully i deflate before i fucking explode. the last couple of days have been sooo shitty, it's not the things i physically did that made it shitty, i just have a couple things that i want to vent out, but cant and are just kinda floating in my head because i dont really have anyone to vent to in a situation like this. ya know I fucking hate when you say something to someone and they automatically think of it as a lie or joke because it sounds somewhat insensible and they give you that one remark (its only because the person you're talking to is incapable of really understanding you or simply doesnt give a shit). Surely in time you will finally understand my psychotic flow of ups and downs and know my ins and outs ... see my retardedness and brilliance and figure me out, and f.y.i. I appreciate that unnecessary remark as much as I appreciate being thrown up on. thanx.
one and a half: anxiety and insecurity have been the theme of the past week. I don't really want to expose my absolute personal life here in respect of it but after catching myself doing something somewhat invading the other day, i found myself face to face with the person i really didnt want to be taken as, so if you know what i'm mumbling about I offer my sincerest apology if you were at all upset by it and i also apologize for not confronting you about it first and directly.
I came up on this picture today as i was weeding through my files and it really got me bawlin.

I know i post alot of zoey on here, it's because im very much in
love with her and I miss her everyday just like a mother would if their child was taken from them, but...
three: On a happy note,
maximilian and i got a dopeass swiffer sweeper, cleaned a bunch and hit up that 5 5 5 deal (which is now,sadly, my incomparable substitution for boho). wahh wahh.
*sorry that first paragraph may not have made much sense due to my raging frustrations (that goes for paragraph two as well). And thanks for listening (m).f. <3
you should write more & cheer up pup. btw thats a really cute pic of zoey
ReplyDeleteyeah, i'll write more its kinda fun... i think im going to write a story book.
ReplyDeletei was just gonna say that, ahha story book time!